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Interim (Includes Special Session) - 2011 |
Month of
December 2011 |
Missouri Senators Prepare for 2012 Regular Session |
Month of
November 2011 |
Senate Committees Continue to Work Dutifully
Throughout Missouri |
Week of Oct. 24, 2011 |
First Extraordinary Session of the 96th General Assembly Draws to a Close |
Week of Oct. 17, 2011 |
Curtain on Special Session Likely to be Closed Soon |
Week of Oct. 10, 2011 |
Lawmakers Work Toward Compromise on Economic Development Deal |
Week of Sept. 19, 2011 |
Lawmakers Give Final Approval to Several Special Session Measures |
Week of Sept. 12, 2011 |
Senators Forward Special Session Legislation to the House; Veto Session Held Consecutively with Special Session |
Week of Sept. 5, 2011 |
Lawmakers Return to Jefferson City for the First Extraordinary Session of the 96th General Assembly |
Month of August 2011 |
Several Measures Passed by General Assembly Take Effect Aug. 28 |
Month of July 2011 |
July Marks Final Month for Action on Measures Passed by General Assembly |
Month of June 2011 |
Missouri's FY 2012 Operating Budget Receives Governor's Signature |
Week of May 23, 2011 |
Priority Legislation Passed by Senate Awaits Governor's Action |
Week of May 16, 2011 |
Measures Passed by the Senate and House Signed by Governor |
Regular Session - 2011 |
Week of May 9, 2011 |
Legislative Session Ends with the Passage of Several Priority Bills |
Week of May 2, 2011 |
Lawmakers Deliver FY 2012 Budget to Governor Before Constitutional Deadline |
Week of April 25, 2011 |
Senate Bill Signed by Governor Provides Additional Animal Protections |
Week of April 18, 2011 |
Senate Approves $23.2 Billion FY 2012 Operating Budget |
Week of April 11, 2011 |
Unemployment Benefits Extension Signed Into Law |
Week of April 4, 2011 |
Bills Dealing with Fire Sprinklers, Corporate Franchise Tax Sent to Governor |
Week of March 28, 2011 |
Senators Pass Legislation to Change Abortion Laws |
Week of March 21, 2011 |
Missouri Senate Stands Adjourned for Mid-Session Recess |
Week of March 14, 2011 |
Senate Approves Employee Protection Measure |
Week of March 7, 2011 |
Legislation Affecting Dog Breeding, Employment Law Passed by the Senate |
Week of Feb. 28, 2011 |
Senate Focuses on Measures Regarding Unemployment Discrimination and Compensation |
Week of Feb. 21, 2011 |
Senate Moves Several Measures to the House of Representatives for Consideration |
Week of Feb. 14, 2011 |
Senate Sends Corporate Franchise Tax Legislation and Voter ID Bill to the House |
Week of Feb. 7, 2011 |
Lawmakers Move Several Measures from Committee to Full Senate for Debate |
Week of Jan. 31, 2011 |
Lawmakers Move Legislation Forward Before Blizzard Conditions Hit State Capitol |
Week of Jan. 24, 2011 |
Committee Work Dominates Most of Senate's Schedule |
Week of Jan. 17, 2011 |
Committee Work Begins In the Missouri Senate |
Week of Jan. 10, 2011 |
Senate Committees Named for 96th General Assembly |
Week of Jan. 3, 2011 |
Missouri Senate Convenes for 2011 Legislative Session |